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Art History Research Resources: Finding Articles

Other Databases

While Art Full Text is the primary database for art history research, there are other databases that you will find helpful depending on your topic.

Art Databases

Historical Databases

Art Full Text

Art Full Text is the main database you will use when doing art history research.  Many of the articles are available full text, but you may also need to use the full text options link to get to the article or book you want.  The full text options link in the database checks to see if we have a subscription to the journal or own the book you are looking for. 

When searching Art Full Text, you will probably have the best results when using the "multi-field search."  This will allow you to combine terms and use truncation symbols (paint* AND france OR french) in the same way as you can in the library catalog when looking for books.  Also be aware that many entries in Art Full Text are exhibition or book reviews, as well as art reproductions, which do not qualify as scholarly or academic articles.  

If you are looking for scholarly/peer-reviewed/academic articles look for these features:

  • at least 8-10 pages in length
  • author is an academic (professor, PhD, researcher, etc...)
  • published in an academic journal (Oxford Art Journal, Art History, etc...)
  • the bibliography is appropriate for the article length


New York Times

The New York Times is an important source for information on art historical topics.  As a primary source, it can be used for historical documentation of artistic happenings (such as coverage of the Armory Show in 1913), for interviews with artists, to locate gallery and museum exhibition advertisements, for critical reviews of exhibitions, and for general news coverage.

Access The New York Times using the following links: