More detailed information about how to format an APA style paper can be found in the APA style manual (available at the ZSR Reference Desk) or on the Purdue OWL APA Style guide.
Q: How do I format my APA style paper in Word? How do I create a running head?
A: The short video below will walk you through how to format your paper using Microsoft Word. If you don't have Microsoft Word, contact The Bridge (WFU students get a version of Microsoft Office for free). If you still need help, stop by the ZSR Reference Desk and someone will be happy to help you!
Q: How do I format headings in an APA style paper?
A: Formatting and style information is provided in the APA style manual. Specific information about levels of headings is found in Section 3.03 of the manual. Section 4 of the manual covers mechanics of style, such as spacing, punctuation, numerals, abbrevations, and more.
Q: How do I format the References page?
A: General information about the Reference list can be found in Section 6.22 of the manual. A sample paper is provided in Figure 2.1. Purdue OWL also provides a sample paper.
Your Reference list should include all of the sources you cite in your paper (with a few exceptions, such as personal communications). Provide the information that would allow someone reading your paper to locate the original source. List sources alphabetically by the last name of the first author, and use a hanging indent to indent the second line. (See video below for how to create a hanging indent in Word.)