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Theatre Research Resources: Journal Articles, Databases & Reviews

Finding Journal Articles

Scholarly Journal Articles

Scholarly journal articles can be located through the Performing Arts Periodicals Database, as well as through history and multi-subject databases.  If you are looking for scholarly/peer-reviewed/academic articles (as opposed to performance reviews or essays), look for these features:

  • at least 8-10 pages in length
  • author is an academic (professor, PhD, researcher, etc....) or in some cases a practitioner (director, actor, set designer, etc...)
  • published in an academic journal (Theatre Journal, Theatre Research InternationalPerformance Research, Women & Performance, etc...)
  • the bibliography is appropriate for the article length

You can use the same searching techniques in journal databases as you did in the library catalog.

Use the following databases to search for journal articles on your topic:

Theatre Reviews

Performance reviews can be found in many databases, theatre journals, and trade publications. Limit to "review" under document type.

Here are some places to explore:  

Locating Journals

If you already have the citation for an article you want to find, the easiest way to get to the article is to use ZSR's journals page.  

Using this citation as an example, we will go through the steps to locate this article:

  1. Locate the name of the journal: Shakespeare in Southern Africa
  2. Go to the journal page and type the name of the journal into the search box (not the name of the article!):
  3. Select the catalog record for the journal title from the list of results
  4. Most of our journals are available online from multiple sources.  Based on the publication date of your article, in this case 2012, select the source that has that date available:
  5. Depending on what information is displayed you will have to select the volume (24) or the year (2012) for your article:
  6. Then browse the table of contents to locate your article title and read via PDF: