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ZSR Communications Portal: Accessibility Considerations

A guide for ZSR faculty and staff to assist with the development of print and web communications used to engage with our many audiences, internal and external to the University, and provide strategic direction for all ZSR communications efforts.

CLASS Accessible Program Guide

Accessible Program Guide

Owl logo with text Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success at Wake Forest University, abbreviated CLASS.


A Guide to Planning Accessible and Inclusive Events

Why does it matter?

We believe that all students, faculty, staff, and visitors should be able to meaningfully participate in WFU campus events and experiences, regardless of ability or disability.  As a campus leader and program planner, you have the responsibility of identifying and removing any barriers that would prevent individuals from being welcomed to and participating fully in your event.

Physical Barriers

  • Can participants access ramps or elevators to enter and exit buildings?
  • Is there accessible parking? Transportation and Parking Services (336-758-7275) can help.
  • Is the room accessible for those who cannot use stairs?
  • Is there signage to provide direction to rooms?
  • Does the seating arrangement allow for wheelchair access or service animals?
  • Do you need to offer accessible transportation (if appropriate)?
  • Are there accessible restrooms (indicated with signage)?

Instructional Barriers

  • Is the advertising accessible and does it include an accommodations request statement?
    “If you need accommodations for this event, please contact (name of event contact) at (email or phone) five business days in advance.”
  • Does all video or audio material being used have captions? is a great resource.
  • If there is printed material, are large-print or digital options available (ideally shared in advance)?
  • Have you arranged for sound amplification or microphones?
  • Will an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter be needed? The following individuals may be a resource: Communication Access Partners, Inc (; Martha Edwards (

Attitudinal Barriers

  • Are event staff willing to make adjustments on short notice?
  • Are people with disabilities given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the event?
  • Are program planners using inclusive language?
  • Are program planners referring to accommodations as “disability-related access” and not “special?”




Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success | | 336-758-5929 | 118 Reynolda Hall