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ZSR Communications Portal: Reserving Rooms in ZSR

A guide for ZSR faculty and staff to assist with the development of print and web communications used to engage with our many audiences, internal and external to the University, and provide strategic direction for all ZSR communications efforts.

Study Rooms

Students, Faculty, and Staff can all reserve study rooms in ZSR.


Meeting Rooms in DeaconSpace

For ZSR Faculty and Staff there are rooms available to book through DeaconSpace (EMS). You can book these rooms up to a year in advance. ZSR employees requests are automatically confirmed within the system, but can be reviewed and/or not approved due to scheduling conflicts. There is no time limit for the room reservation, but the rooms do have occupancy limits. 

Smallest capacity is room 477 (18 people) and the largest is the auditorium (118 people).

Meeting Rooms NOT in DeaconSpace

There are many ZSR rooms that are not in DeaconSpace but are usable for faculty and staff.

There are a few rooms that you can reserve via the Google Calendar for that room: