Manual for a Test, Scale, or Inventory:
- To cite a test, scale, or inventory, provide a citation for its supporting literature (e.g., its manual, which may be an authored or edited book, or the journal article in which it was published).
- The title of a test, scale, or an inventory should be capitalized using title case whenever it appears in a paper. Although the test title may be italicized in a reference, in the text, the title of a test should appear in title case in standard (nonitalic) type.

Test, Scale, or Inventory Itself
- Cite the test, scale, or inventory itself only if a manual or other supporting literature is not available to cite; if a manual is available for a test, cite the manual, not the test.

Database Record for a Test
- Test database records (e.g., records from PsycTESTS, the ETS TestLink collection, or the CINAHL database) typically provide unique descriptive and administrative information about tests; cite the database record if you use this unique information. Otherwise, cite the test's supporting literature, if available.