Welcome to Wake Forest University and the Z. Smith Reynolds Library! You have joined an organization that is deeply committed to the academic success of our students and faculty. We do this by offering unparalleled service in managing, delivering and teaching the use of scholarly content and information technology at all levels of our organization. We are an open and welcoming center on campus. ZSR librarians and staff embrace diversity and inclusion and treat everyone with respect regardless of origin, race, gender identity or personal beliefs.
We are also a library that likes to have fun – whether it is hosting a game of Outbreak or feeding students at midnight during finals – we look for entertaining and innovative ways to fulfill our mission.
I hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities to participate in the life of the Library and the University beyond your core job responsibilities. ZSR librarians and staff play integral roles in many activities and events at Wake Forest – serving on committees, as student advisors, and volunteering to help with special events.
We are glad you have decided to join us and I hope you have a very rewarding and successful career at Wake Forest and ZSR!
Tim Pyatt,
Dean of Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Learn more about ZSR collections, staff, spaces, services, and programs:
Addresses for the Z. Smith Reynolds Library: