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FYS100 (Fall 2022): Queering STEM: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering: Additional Information

This guide is to support the first-year seminar FYS100 Section D entitled "Queering STEM: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering"

Quick Start Videos and Additional Training

A quick start video for the product/database along with additional training/webinars are included below for Primo, AccessEngineering, Innovation Q Plus, Engineering Workbench, SciFinder-n, and Web of Science.


The ZSR Library's YouTube channel has a playlist for Primo at covering a basic search and a detailed overview of the product.


Innovation Q Plus

Engineering Workbench


Topics covered:

      • Getting Started
      • Substance Searching
      • Reaction Searching
      • Reference Searching
      • Patent Searching
      • Biosequence Searching

Web of Science

Additonal Resources

Quick Tip: Google Scholar

When using Google Scholar, you can connect to the Wake Forest Library in the Settings to link to the full-text of an article.  Instructions and a video are below:

  • In Google Scholar, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper left hand corner.
  • Select Settings
  • Click on Library Links
  • Search for "wake forest".  Wake Forest University - ViewIt@WFU will be selected.
  • Click on the Save button
  • Video: