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FYS100 (Fall 2022): Queering STEM: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering: Search Techniques

This guide is to support the first-year seminar FYS100 Section D entitled "Queering STEM: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering"

Key word search

Use Boolean logic to narrow, broaden, or refine the search results.

  • AND
    • Intersection
    • Search for two terms or phrases in the same document
    • Example: "nuclear rocket engine" AND history

  • OR
    • Inclusion
    • Search for either term or phrase separately as well as together
    • Example: 
      • impact OR usage

  • NOT
    • Exclusion
    • Remove the search term or phrase from the results
    • Example:  "nuclear rocket engine" NOT airplane


  • Phrase searching (using quotations around phrases)
    • Examples: 
      • "nuclear rocket engine" specific term
      • "nuclear thermal hydraulics" book title
  • Truncation:  Search for variations in a word by using an asterisk
    • Examples:
      • therm*
        • thermal
        • thermodynamics
        • thermodynamic
      • encyclop*dia
        • encyclopedia
        • encyclopaedia
  • Parenthesis:  Grouping key search terms/phrases
    • Examples:
      • "nuclear rocket engine" AND (history OR evol*)
      • "nuclear rocket engine" AND (thermodynamics OR dynamics OR hydraulics)


Library of Congress Subject Heading

Using Library of Congress subject headings can help narrow or broaden your search as well as identify specific key words that will be using conducting your research.  Move from a broad to a specific topic.  Review the "Subject of Works" for historical/foundational resources.

Topical Search

Science Direct includes a topical index which separates topics by field.  Each entry includes excerpts from scholarly articles, books, books chapters, encyclopedias, and other resources produced by Elsevier.  If you locate a pertinent resource, search for the title on the ZSR library website.  If needed, request access to the resource using interlibrary loan.