Often you will collect resources that are not available in full text from the page from which you saved the item. However, it's easy to see if the item is available in full text from the ZSR Library. Just follow these instructions to get set up:
- Go to your Zotero Preferences (Edit > Preferences in Windows, Zotero > Preferences in macOS)
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- In the box next to Resolver, paste in this URL:
To view the item in the ZSR Library's holdings or online subscriptions, select a book or article in your library, then select the Locate icon
. From the Locate menu, choose Library Lookup. If the library has the book in its holdings or subscribes to the journal, you should be taken directly to that item. If the item is not part of the library's holdings or subscriptions, you may be prompted to submit an Interlibrary Loan request.