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Managing and Preserving Research Data: Preserving and archiving research

Data curation and archiving

It’s important to think about the long-term preservation of your research materials while you are actively engaged in the research process. Digital media are inherently fragile and are vulnerable to risks such as file format obsolescence, bit corruption, and lack of documentation. To keep your digital scholarship accessible well into the future, researchers deposit their completed work in trusted digital repositories.

Using a repository to safeguard and provide sharing mechanisms for published scholarship enhances the sustainability and awareness of your work. Publishing in a publicly accessible data repository helps ensure that your data is citable and has a persistent identifier assigned to it. A clearly identifiable license enables users to re-use your data appropriately. 

There are dozens of scholarly repositories from which to choose. In addition to providing consults on subject-specific repositories that enhance your work's visibility, ZSR encourages Wake Forest faculty to place copies of research articles in WFU's digital repository, WakeSpace. This provides a stable location for your article and a "handle" (link) that you can share widely. In addition to placing a copy with WakeSpace, shared repositories that focus on specific domains (sciences, humanities, medicine) add a second, critical layer of visibility to research products.

ZSR's DISC team can assist you in identifying the appropriate repository and navigating the submission process.

Resources for archiving scholarship 

Repositories and directories

​General and subject-specific repositories (note that this list is by no means comprehensive)