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Communication Research Resources: Media Studies

Media Studies Databases

The interdisciplinary nature of Communication requires researchers to use a variety of databases. Below are the databases we find that students in Communication use most frequently, but there are many other possibilities depending on your topic. If you are unsure about what database to use, PLEASE....Ask a Librarian.

Books on Media Studies


To find books in our library, use the Online Catalog. Call numbers for Film Studies are in the PN1900s. Call numbers for Mass Media Studies are P94 to P96, These are on the 5th floor of the Reynolds wing. Some books on film or mass media may be shelved with other disciplines. Books on women in film or the media, for example, may be with the Womens' Studies books, etc.

Media and Film materials have P and PN call numbers and are concentrated on Reynolds 5. This section is divided:

  • P87-96 - Communication. Mass media
  • PN1990-1992.92 - Broadcasting
  • PN1991-1991.9 - Radio broadcasts
  • PN1992-1992.92 - Television broadcasts
  • PN1992.93-19 92.95 - Nonbroadcast video recordings
  • PN1993-1999 - Motion pictures

Subject Guide

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Hu Womack
He | Him
ZSR Library Room 456
336 758 4314