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Communication Research Resources: Communication Science

Communication Databases

The interdisciplinary nature of Communication requires researchers to use a variety of databases. Below are the databases we find that students in Communication use most frequently, but there are many other possibilities depending on your topic. If you are unsure about what database to use, just ask me!

Data and Statistics

Finding Survey Instruments

When resrearching in Communication you will often come across articles that use certain survey instruments or other measurement scales, etc. and want to locate them. Here are some tips for doing that.

1. Look in the appendix of that article.

2. Determine whether the authors of the study developed the instrument or were using one from an earlier study.

3. If they were using an earlier one, check the bibliography and locate the original study that used the instrument and check the appendix of that article.

4. If the authors developed the instrument but did not put it in the appendix, you have several options:

  • Search in relevant databases for the exact name of the instrument (i.e "Social Anxiety Scale") to see if you can find other studies that may have used it an put it in their appendix. Google Scholar can also be a good place to search for the title of the instrument. 
  • If it looks like it is a very well-known test (like the Myers-Briggs) then you can check Mental Measurement Yearbook or Tests in Print (located in Reference. Call number: Ref Z5814.E9 T47 2002) to see who you need to contact to use and/or purchase the test.
  • As a last resort you may need to contact the original authors of the study to see if they will send it to you. Check their institution affiliation from the article and begin there, but you may need to Google them.


To find books in our library, use the Online Catalog. Call numbers for Communication Science resources are in P87 - P90s. These are on the 5th floor of the Reynolds wing. Some books on communication may be shelved with other disciplines. Books on women in communication, for example, may be with the Womens' Studies books, etc.

Communication Science materials have P call numbers and are concentrated on Reynolds 5. This section is divided:

  • P87-96 - Communication. Mass media
  • P94.7 - Interpersonal communication
  • P95-95.6 - Oral communication. Speech
  • P98-98.5 - Computational linguistics.
  • P99-99.4 - Semiotics. Signs and symbols
  • P99.5-99.6 - Nonverbal communication
  • P302-302.87 - Discourse analysis

Subject Guide

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Hu Womack
He | Him
ZSR Library Room 456
336 758 4314