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CHM 351: Green Chemistry Technologies: Web-Based Chemistry Freebies!


Check out these other cool (AND FREE!) options for chemistry research. See descriptions for an overview and click on links for access. 

Chemistry Freebies

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Access the ACS for career information, chemical & news publications, conferences, and other professional resources HERE! 

Pages specific to UNDERGRADUATE interests

Pages specific to GRADUATE interests

Protein Data Bank

Access three-dimensional structural data for proteins and nucleic acids for free! 

Available from the World Wide PDB at


This chemistry structure / drawing software is analogous to ChemDraw (but FREE!)

Available from ACD Labs at ChemSketch

SMILES - Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System

Tutorials on this chemical notation system are available through the Environmental Protection Agency

Interview with Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Advisory Board Member Michael K. Gilson, Ph.D who talks about the benefits of using SMILES.


The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier that can be used in printed and electronic data sources enabling easier linking of diverse data compilations.

Learn about and download this helpful free tool at the IUPAC site

Watch this 4-minute video, "What on Earth is InChI?," to learn more.


Offered by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this free database that allows structure searching is analogous to SciFinder (but less powerful / extensive). Chemspider can be launched from ChemSketch and is available at

MORE Chemistry Freebies!


Use eMolecules for compound sourcing, procurement, and logistics. This site is analogous to Amazon for chemicals and offers structure and supplier information. eMolecules can be launched from ChemSketch is available at 

National Library of Medicine (NLM) / National Institutes of Health (NIH)

PubChem is a free database from the NLM / NIH used to access biomedical, genomic, vendor, patent, chemical property, and a wealth of other information. PubChem can be launched from ChemSketch and is accessible HERE. 

NCBI - National Center from Biotechnology Information -  includes access to numerous free databases including BLAST, Genome, Nucleotide, and Taxonomy. Access the full features of NCBI HERE

NIST Chemistry WebBook

The National Institute of Standards and Technology provides the free tool that assists users in finding chemical and physical property data from chemical species (including spectra, etc.). Access the NIST Chemistry WebBook HERE. 


Find drugs and drug targets on this comprehensive database. This free source has been available since 2006 and was started by Dr. David Wishart's lab at the University of Alberta as a project to help academic researchers get detailed structured information about drugs. The lastest version on DrugBank contains over 14,000 drug entries including 2,700 approved small molecule drugs, 1,500 approved biologics (proteins, peptides, vaccines, and allergenics), over 100 nutraceuticals and over 6,700 experimental (discovery-phase) drugs. Access DrugBank HERE.