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Mathematics Climate Research Network summer school and research program (July 31, 2023)

This guide was created for the Mathematics Climate Research Network summer school and research program for the students to research their project

Zotero Quick Start

Download Zotero from the website  You can also download the Zotero Connector for Chrome as well as for Firefox from the same website.  First, download the software for your operating systems e.g. Windows (PC) or Mac.  Second, while using Firefox/Chrome, install the connector from the website

The website includes instructions on installing the Zotero add-on to Word.

Lastly, Zotero does have a quick start guide at (  Videos on using Zotero are included on the ZSR YouTube channel as well at

You can create a group folder in Zotero to store the resources identified/found.  Review the information on in order to create and use a group folder in Zotero.  QUICK TIP:  Be sure to sync your account with the Zotero software installed on your computer in order to see the group folder.  The video demos syncing the Zotero standalone application with

Quick Start Videos and Additional Training

A quick start video for the product/database along with additional training/webinars are included below for AccessEngineering, Engineering Workbench, SciFinder-n, and Web of Science.


Engineering Workbench


Topics covered:

      • Getting Started
      • Substance Searching
      • Reaction Searching
      • Reference Searching
      • Patent Searching
      • Biosequence Searching

Web of Science