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WRI 111: Wander, Gather, Write: Home

This guide supports Prof. Witzel's WRI 111 course.

Search Tips

Good searching can shorten your research time significantly. Here are some tips from the pros:

  • Use quotation marks around a phrase to inform the search engine to look for exactly the phrase you enter- for example "virtual spaces" or "middle earth".

  • When searching for a keyword with multiple variations (ex. "education", "educators") use the root form of the word and add an asterisk (*). This means using walk* will retrieve items that have all variations-- "walk", "walks", "walker", "walkers", "walking", etc.

  • Start simple! Begin with 1-2 targeted key words and then make adjustments (more terms, less terms, different terms) depending on your search results. Pay attention to keywords, phrases that are used in highly relevant resources.

  • Use the built-in database filters to focus your results- most interfaces let you limit by publication date, subject, format and more

  • Finally, ZSR Librarians are here to help you find the best sources for your research assignment!

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