Use the Primo, ZSR Library's discovery catalog, to locate books, films, microfilm, and other materials in the library. Search by Author, Title, Subject, Call Number, or Keyword, or use the Advanced Search feature to combine these features.
Books may serve as either primary or secondary sources, depending on the content and when they were written. Books may also contain references to primary source material in the text or in the bibliography.
You can start with a keyword search to identify relevant items. From there, look at the subject headings used to describe that item to identify other potential items (click on the subject heading to see all other items that are tagged with that subject).
To locate potential primary sources, look for subject headings that contain terms such as diaries, letters, correspondence, autobiography, interviews, or personal narratives following the main heading.
Some call number ranges that may be helpful:
If you can't find the information you need through the ZSR Library's online catalog, try searching WorldCat, which includes holdings information from other libraries. You can request these books through Interlibrary Loan. (Remember that it may take 1-2 weeks or more for items to arrive through Interlibrary Loan, so plan ahead!) You can also check out materials from other universities in the area through the Triad Academic Library Association (TALA). Lending privileges vary by institution, so be sure to read through the TALA guidelines and contact the institution before visiting.
What is it?
Through Interlibrary Loan or ILL, you can request materials from another library that are not held at ZSR. This includes books as well as book chapters and articles. Please note that you cannot get access to ebooks through ILL.
How do I use it?
To place a request, log into the document delivery system using your WFU username and password. Choose Interlibrary Loan to request a book or Copy/Scan to request a book chapter or article. Fill out the form with the citation information for the item that you want to request. Remember, the more information you can provide, the better!
How long does it take?
Books typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive, since they are shipped through the mail.
Articles and book chapters are typically available within 72 hours, as they are usually sent to you as PDFs.
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