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American Politics and US Government Research: US Political Races Research

This guide is for students researching US politics or looking for US Government resources

News and Analysis Sources

US News Sources from ZSR

Multi-Source Databases for US News

These database allow you to search across hundreds of national news sources at one time. 

Elections Data

Polling Info and Data

Candidate/Race Information

Keeping Up With Your Races

The following sites will help you keep up with the races you are following. In addition to these, you should also be checking the main newspaper for the capitol of the state your race is in. 

Other Race Data

These sites provide data on races that could be important for researching political races. 

District/State Information


Since 2022 was the first election after redistricting, and changes in many states between that and 2024 meant lines have been or are going to be redrawn (like in NC) many of our data sources will not have accurate district boundaries. You are looking for boundaries for the 118th Congress (2022) or the 119th Congress (2024). This may make doing research on districts a bit trickier. Meet with Roz Tedford or Morgan Ritchie-Baum for help on doing data research on new districts! 

Rosalind Tedford

Profile Photo
Rosalind Tedford
ZSR Library
Room 457A