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American Politics and US Government Research: Home

This guide is for students researching US politics or looking for US Government resources


This research guide is designed for students doing research US politics and government. If you run into any obstacles, don't hesitate to contact me at Some general searching tips are below! ~ Rosalind Tedford


  1. When searching for multiple-word phrases, putting them in quotation marks really helps you get better results! (i.e. "Gun control" "United States")
  2. When you use an * at the end of a root word, you get all possible endings to that word - i.e. econom* gives you results with economy, economic, and economics. 

US Statistical Sources

Getting Started with Background Sources

Before getting started with research, it is a good idea to start with some background and context to the issues you are investigating. The sources below will help you get to that information quickly.

Multi-Book Background Databases

Finding Books

Use the main ZSR search to search Primo to locate books and other materials in Reynolds Library. To find books on US Policy Issues, search on the policy and "United States"

Scholarly Journal Articles

These databases (listed in the order of likelihood they will be useful to you) will get you to news and scholarly journal articles on American government, public policy, and history. Be sure to include 'United States' as a search term as many of them are international in scope.

Primary Sources in Current American Politics

Congressional Sources
Executive Branch Sources 
Judicial Sources

State and Local Government Resources

Search Across Multiple NGOs and IGOs

Use these links to search across multiple NGO, IGO, Think Tank and Research Organizations.

Roz not available? Other librarians can help!

If Roz is not available to help, any of our Social Sciences Librarians can! Use this link to access a joint group calendar to find a time:

Social Science Librarians Group Calendar

Rosalind Tedford

Profile Photo
Rosalind Tedford
ZSR Library
Room 457A

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