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ENG381 "To tell her glories with a faithful tongue": Black Women Writers and/in the Archives: Artists' Books

What is an artist's book?

An artist's book is a work of art in the form of a book, or a work inspired by a book or other text.

Artists' books are different from illustrated books in that their design and material form convey their creators' vision and artistic intent. They are cross-disciplinary, taking inspiration from art, printing, graphic design, calligraphy, photography, and many other fields.

Artists' books employ a wide variety of artistic media and techniques. Some are recognizable as traditional "books;" others are much more experimental. Some are published in editions of many copies; others exist in only a few examples or as unique works of art. What they have in common is their ability to let us think in new ways about the intersection between art and text.




Examples of Artists' Books from ZSR Special Collections

Freedom: a Fable, by Kara Walker

Sometimes a Poet will Hijack the Moon, by Diane Wakoski

Family : (fam'e le fam'le), by Rita MacDonald