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ENG381 "To tell her glories with a faithful tongue": Black Women Writers and/in the Archives: Sauda Mitchell


Sauda Mitchell is a community supporter, certified archivist, educator, and multidisciplinary artist who has dedicated over twenty years to the arts, libraries, and archives. Sauda Mitchell holds an MS in Library and Information Science from Drexel University, a BA in Communication Art with a minor in Art History, and an AA degree in Elementary Education. Sauda is pursuing an EdD at Drexel University, furthering her research on student access to archives-based engagement and primary source analysis as a catalyst for elevated cognitive development. Mitchell is a lead archivist at The Winthrop Group Inc. and a Sawtooth School for Visual Art, printmaking, and book arts instructor.


Sauda's work uses a unique approach that combines primary source research with printmaking and QR code technology, serving as a creative, non-traditional access method. This method links viewers to archival repositories, curated exhibitions, and aggregated data, providing a visual response to archival collection materials and the diverse stories they hold. 


Mitchell is a Booklyn artist. Select artist books are held in the permanent collections of institutions such as WFU ZSR Special Collections, SCAD Museum of Art, MIT, Harvard University, Smithsonian Libraries, and The Library of Congress. 

Making Meaning: Reimagining Archival Engagement through Creative Connections

"Making Meaning: Reimagining Archival Engagement through Creative Connections," a talk given by Sauda Mitchell at Z. Smith Reynolds Library on September 10, 2024, is available for view on the ZSR Library YouTube channel.