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MLA 9th ed. Style Guide: Business Resources

Sample Citations- Business Resources

Analyst Reports

Bryant, Caleb. “Coffee Houses and Tea Shops: US, December 2015.” Mintel Academic, Dec. 2015,

Ellis, Stephen. “Royal Bank of Canada’s Shareholders Continue to Benefit from the Bank’s Variety of Businesses.” Morningstar, 15 July 2016, analyst-report?t=RY&region=USA&culture=USA.

Grauman, Meny, and Taylor Wang. “Royal Bank of Canada.” Cormark Securities, 20 June 2016. Onesource, Process=TS&DocID=74891159&file=file.pdf.

Business Press Article

Coleman-Lochner, Lauren. “Sears Ly?” Bloomsberg Businessweek, no. 4478,  6-12 June 2016, pp. 14-15. Business Source Premier, c94a1191-1ff6-49dc-8db7-e532f36f359c%40sessionmgr120&hid=107&bdata=JnNpdGU9YnNpLWxpdmU%3d#AN=115843409&db=buh.

Company Reports

Example 1:

If the author and publisher are the same organization, skip the author’s name and include the publisher’s name. 

Royal Bank of Canada: Company Profile. Marketline, 9 Mar. 2016. Business Source Complete,

Example 2:

This company report was taken from the Marketline Advantage database who also published the report. There is no need to give the name of the database twice. 

“Royal Bank of Canada.” Marketline Advantage, 17 June 2016, Product?pid=F1DBD4BC-857E-4A18-A390-B5E7D08666D3.

Financial Statements

Example 1:

“Starbucks Corporation: Form 10-Q.” United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 26 June 2016, 829224/000082922416000074/sbux-6262016x10xq.htm.

Example 2: Company Web Site

“Starbucks Reports Record Q3 Financial and Operating Results.” Starbucks Investor Relations, 21 July 2016,

Example 3: Annual Report

McCormick 2015 Annual Report. McCormick & Company, 2016, nasdaqomx/7/3484/4977/.

Industry Ratios

Wilson, Philip. “Furniture and Home Furnishing Stores: Table II Corporations with Net Income.” 2016 Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios. 47th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2015, p. 208.

Industry Reports

“Industry Financial Report: State of North Carolina, [522291] Consumer Lending, Finance and Insurance, $500,000-999,999.” Bizminer, June 2016,

Peters, Iris. “Auto Parts Stores in the US: IBISWorld Industry Report 44131.” IBISWorld, Aug. 2016,

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