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Library Home Page Search: Primo

While it doesn't include everything ZSR offers, this is a good place to start. Choose different limits depending on your needs, e.g. "Peer Reviewed Journals," "Newspaper Articles," or "Videos." Limits by Date and Language are also helpful.

Database for Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles

Finding Newspaper Articles

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other newspapers where you might need a special account.

Search Primo for newspapers.

World Newspapers
In English. Organized by country, so easier to find a Russian or Ukrainian perspective on the news.

Finding Cultural Resources

Memoirs, etc.: Include the phrase "personal narratives" in your Primo search.

Videos: Choose this limit within Primo.

Search Tips

Watch out for variant spellings (or variant transliterations) of names of people, places etc.

Examples: Kiev/Kyiv, Saint Petersburg/Leningrad

Use a * to cut off a word at its stem, e.g. Tolsto* will retrieve Tolstoy, Tolstoi.

In the library catalog, personal names have an official transliteration determined by the Library of Congress. Once you find one article about your person, you can use the author and/or subject links to find all the others.
Putin is Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952-

If you can't use a star to search for spelling variants, use OR
"Saint Petersburg" OR "Leningrad"

Subject Guide

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Carol Cramer