The library home page search, a.k.a. Primo, is a great place to start for many academic topics. Choose different limits depending on your needs, e.g. Peer Reviewed Journals, Date and/or Language.
Watch out for variant spellings of names of works, characters, etc.
In MLA and other databases, frequently English-language articles use the original language name for a work. Example: Le Deuxième Sexe instead of The Second Sex.
Use a * to cut off a word at its stem, e.g. psychopath* will retrieve psychopath, psychopaths, psychopathy
If you can't use a star to search for spelling variants, use OR. Example: "deuxieme sexe" OR "second sex"
Search operators AND OR NOT must be ALL CAPS to work in the Homepage/Primo search. Capitalization and diacritics in search terms are optional.