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MTH Data Ethics: Datasets

Information to assist students in Dr. Dalzell's MTH classes in identifying trustworthy datasets and other online resources.

Dataset Repositories

NOTE: This list of data repositories will link to collections of datasets that range from in-progress to completed research projects, with researcher-contributed data. These datasets may or may not be of use, but give a sense of the breadth of data available.

Dryad: a nonprofit repository for data underlying the international scientific and medical literature.

FigShare: a repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner

Open Science Framework: a scholarly commons to connect the entire research cycle

More data repositories listed on the Open Access Directory at

Curated Dataset Sources

Simple data sets
***Univ. of Florida - an objective source of different data sets for various statistical methods
UC-Irvine Machine Learning Repository
Large-scale data sets
Public Health - CDC
Census of Bureau

Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication

Profile Photo
Molly Keener
she | her
Faculty Commons 669
ZSR Library
Wilson Wing 6th Floor