These database sources are your best bets for finding health and exercise science related literature. Click on any link to take you directly to the database homepage.
Citation database with access to MEDLINE covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. Other services include the Journal Browser, MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) Browser, Citation Matcher, and Clinical Queries. Coverage: 1946-
Citations and some abstracts from periodicals, books, conference proceedings, dissertations and theses, research papers, etc. covering the areas of sports, physical fitness, sport science and recreation. Access is limited to four simultaneous users. Coverage: 1830-
A comprehensive online medical education resource. Includes reference tools, images, a diagnostic tool, drug & patient information, textbooks, cases, videos, and self-assessment for medical students.
Provides broad content and high volume of full texts for nursing and allied health research. Specialties include ambulatory care, occupational therapy, pediatrics, psychiatry, nuclear medicine, gerontology, and more. Resources include quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules, and research instruments tools.
Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Areas of focus include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Multipurpose and up-to-date biomedical database covering international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. All articles are indexed using Elsevier's Life Science Thesaurus, Embase Indexing, and Emtree.
Includes citations & abstracts from international life sciences journals. Fields covered include: biology, botany, zoology, biotechnology, and environmental studies. Coverage: 1980-