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BIO/BMB/CHM 371: Advanced Biochemistry Lab: Home


Welcome to the BIO/BMB/CHM 371: Advanced Biochemistry Lab Course Guide!

What's in it for you:

Use the tabs at the top of this page to learn how to: 

  • build a search string using keywords and database tools in the Search Techniques tab,
  • find chemistry related databases offered at ZSR in the Where to Search tab,
  • get more information on database specifics on the Database Navigation & Tutorials tab,
  • AND find FREE resources on the Web-based Chemistry Freebies tab!

Be sure to check out the Zotero links (to the LEFT) in the More from ZSR box. 

Also provided are 3MT - Three-Minute Thesis guidelines and examples to help with your mid term and end of semester assignments. 

Library Presentation Fall 2023

To access the library presentation from Monday, November 4 & Friday, November8 CLICK HERE: 


Profile Photo
Colleen Foy
ZSR Library, Mandelbaum Room, Office 457B