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Conducting STEM Research Utilizing Open Access Tools: Alternatives to Web of Science

This guide is a supplement to the North Carolina Community College Library Association's 2022 Conference presentation "Conducting STEM Research Utilizing Open Access Tools."

What is Web of Science?

“Web of Science, previously known as Web of Knowledge, is a database of bibliographic citations of multidisciplinary areas that covers the various journals of medical, scientific, and social sciences including humanities.” Science Direct Topic Index for Web of Science

Each column below references functionality within Web of Science and a free database/tool that replicates the same functionality.

Visually analyzing the results of a search

In Web of Science, you can visually analyze the results of a search by

  • Web of Science categories
  • Publication years
  • Document types
  • Authors
  • Affiliations
  • Publication Titles
  • Publishers
  • Funding Agencies
  • Grant Numbers
  • Open Access

Creative Commons License

Forward and backwards citation searching and analysis

In Web of Science, you can

  • Conduct forward and backwards citation research on an article or conference proceeding
  • Run a citation report to view the trends for a given research topic/search


Where can I find training on

More information on using is available on their website at  Videos are available on Cambia's Vimeo channel