Use Boolean logic to narrow, broaden, or refine the search results.
- Intersection
- Search for two terms or phrases in the same document
- Example: inkjet AND bioprinting
- OR
- Inclusion
- Search for either term or phrase separately as well as together
- Exampled:
- LIFT OR "laser induced forward transfer"
- drop-on-demand OR DOD OR "inkjet 3D bioprinting"
- Exclusion
- Remove the search term or phrase from the results
- Example: stereolithography NOT additive manufacturing
- Phrase searching (using quotations around phrases)
- Examples:
- "laser induced forward transfer" specific term
- "3D Bioprinting" book title
- Truncation: Search for variations in a word by using an asterisk
- Examples:
- filt*
- filter
- filtration
- filters
- filtering
- filters
- child*
- Parenthesis: Grouping key search terms/phrases
- Examples:
- biomaterial* AND (LIFT OR "laser induced forward transfer")
- ("drop on demand" OR DOD) AND (advantage* OR impact* OR limit*) AND (bioprinting OR biofabrication)
- stereolithography AND (advantage* OR impact* OR limit*) AND (bioprinting OR biofabrication)