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FRH 329: Introduction to Business French: Home

Welcome to the research guide for FRH 329 Introduction to Business French with Prof. Amanda Vincent.

Find a French Company

Identify French companies in one of these library databases

  1. Press "Create a company list"
  2. Choose a company type (i.e. parent, subsidiary, etc). We strongly suggest you choose a public company.
  3. Choose an industry of interest by selecting NACIS look-up *If you do not know or you can't find the NACIS code, reach out to Summer
  4. Under geographic information, press 'edit' & select France
  5. Push 'create' to generate list of companies in a particular industry in France
  1. Add search terms that describe the industry of interest (i.e. consulting)
  2. Press 'search'
  3. Press 'more filter options' on the left-side of results list and look for & select the 'location' filter
  4. Select France from the list of locations to generate a list of company profiles in a particular industry that are located in France

Find Company Information


  • Type 'France' in Location and click 'search'
  • You can also select for newspaper and wire feeds, statistics (scroll down under the document type section) as well as French for the language
  • Browse by Publication Type (or experiment with others)
  • Type 'France' in Countries
  • Select a topic if desired (e.g. General News or Business & Management)
  • Select a category like News or Industries & Markets (folder icon) and keep narrowing down to select subcategories and titles of interest (e.g. News, then Magazines & Journals, and then check all of interest like Le Point, L'Express, Le Figaro)
  • Click the red button OK- Continue and the filters you've selected are applied and you can do a keyword search


Le Monde (quotidien, publié le soir); voir la rubrique “Économie,” l’édition africaine

Pro tip -- some magazines and newspapers like this can be searched together for a topic in the NexisUni database (mentioned above)




Class Activity

Dictionaries and Reference

Dictionnaires spécialisés et traduction:

The Oxford Business French Dictionary

French/English Business Glossary



Dessine-moi l’éco





Profile Photo
Morgan Ritchie-Baum
251F Farrell Hall


Profile Photo
Summer Krstevska
251C Farrell Hall