Explore these websites and ZSR resources below to help conduct background research as well as inspire, direct, and provide context for the development of your research question and approach.
Using any of the search terms below in combination with other terms like "higher education" or other specific context can help illuminate research related to your idea in any of the article databases and resources highlighted on this guide. Use these terms to help you brainstorm other relevant search terms.
Note: Truncation symbols are often used in databases. When you use the * symbol at the end of sustain* for example, results will contain alternative endings such as sustain, sustainable, sustainability. When you use double quotes " ", results will look for the exact phrase.
General: | Agriculture: | Construction: | Climate: | Fuel/Automobiles: |
"green movement" sustainability sustain* |
"green agriculture" "sustainable agriculture" "factory farming" "local food" or "food market" locavore |
"green building" "low impact development" LEED Certif* "rain gardens" "green roofs" |
"global warming" "climate change" "greenhouse gases" "ozone layer" "ozone hole" |
"fossil fuels" "electric vehicles" zero polution Prius, Volt, or Leaf |
Many thanks to the Librarians at Willamette University for their excellent research guide on Sustainability Topics.