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ZSR Student Assistant Orientation Guide: Weather Policy

This employee training guide is for Z. Smith Reynolds Library student assistants.

WFU Winter

Weather Policy

Student assistants living on campus are expected to work their regular hours if the library is open.

Inclement weather during the weekdays:

When students are on campus, but classes are cancelled for the entire day, the library is OPEN with abbreviated hours. The library will be open Monday - Friday 11 AM - 7 PM and staffed by the emergency team.

When students are on campus, but classes are delayed in starting, the library is OPEN with abbreviated hours. The library will open when campus offices open.

When students are on campus, but classes are dismissed early (cancelled sometime during the day), the Library is OPEN with abbreviated hours. The library will open at regular time and close at time of early dismissal.

When students are not on campus and the campus is closed, the Library is CLOSED.

Evening Closings: When weather deteriorates after 4 PM, the Dean will indicate if there will be an early library closing.

Inclement weather during the weekends:

When students are on campus, but weather is inclement, the library is OPEN with abbreviated hours. The library will be open Saturday 11 AM - 6 PM and Sunday 11 AM - 7 PM and be staffed by emergency team, unless otherwise indicated by the Dean. Special Collections is closed.