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HES Honors: Research in Human Populations: Home


Welcome to the HES Honors Student Course Guide!

What's in it for you:

Use the tabs at the top of this page to learn how to: 

  • build a search string using keywords and database tools in the Search Techniques tab,
  • find HES related databases in the Where to Search tab,
  • get more information on database specifics on the Database Navigation & Tutorials tab,
  • learn more about Evidence Based Medicine and Research, AND
  • check out the Zotero links (to the LEFT) in the More from ZSR box. 

Remember to Email ME or schedule an appointment (to the RIGHT) with questions! 

Library Presentation from September 20, 2023

To access the library presentation from Wednesday, September 20, 2023, click HERE: 


Profile Photo
Colleen Foy
ZSR Library, Mandelbaum Room, Office 457B